Wednesday, June 17, 2015

This is Me.. In black and white.

I recently found out from talking to one of my good friends through messenger here on Facebook that he really didn't know much about me.  I mean these were things I thought for sure he knew and then It hit me , who knows "me" ?  Many of you may be thinking one thing and yes maybe it looks or sounds that way on facebook or in person but it could be totally misinterpreted. I don't like when things are misinterpreting so here's my thought... I am going to put it here for you to read in black and white, and take in (if I shock you with any information) .  So please ask questions, comment, I would love to hear what you think. I willanswer any question you have. Also I will put in some links for a few things... look at them , you will see why I say that.

The basics...
  •  My full name is Debra Jean Seyfried (now Feathers)  - my mom loved Debbie Reynolds and that's who I'm named after..
  • Im 38, married to my first love, We have 3 beautiful children.
  • I'm optimistic, I always try to look at the glass half full no matter how bad things seem.
  • I'm not skinny, I won't say I'm fat (I hate that word), I say pleasantly plump.. and trying to loose currently.
Interesting medical information..
  1. I am a epileptic, I have been since I was 15, I had my first seizure 1 month before I turned 16 (major bummer) , I wanted to drop out of high school after this but I had 1 friend that helped me through this hard time and I graduated.
  • I have Tourette syndrome, if you don't know what this is here is a link. I will say this now.. It doesn't make me swear , people that make me angry make me swear.. it's that simple..  My Tourette started around age 5 and I was labeled "a nervous child"  I wasn't though..  (Tourette syndrome is a whole blog in its own.. trust me !)
  • I have anxiety... Seriously though people, who doesn't ??
  • I have several medical issues.. too many to list here..
  • Brace yourself for this one..   I take 20 pills every morning, 11 pills every night. For a awful dreaded total of 31 pills !!!  I hate them so much, they take over my body sometimes, I'm exhausted , irratable, foggy brain, and much more..  
  1. The one medication I take is called Klonopin…it's for my Tourette syndrome.  DON'T USE THIS IF IT'S EVER PRESCRIBED FOR YOU. PLEASE !!!!   I take 7mg a day, I used to take 8 mg  but I got off 1 pill (1mg) and it took four years to do it.. I was a mess.  This is a controlled substance, I wish I was never put on the medicine. Please look at this link..  They are now calling this medicine America's most dangerous pill for a reason. People are dying from overdoses and other stuff. It's a great article and I urge everyone to read it...  When a doctor hears I'm on 7mg of it I always get the same response "how are you standing?"    I'm too used to the medication...
  • I have panic attacks if I'm in a crowded room for a maximum of 5 minutes (seriously don't put 8 people in a room with me, I will go crazy.. I'm freaking just thinking about it...) Yep, ok I seriously had to stop for 5 minutes cause I was going into one.. next subject please.
  • I am permanently disabled
  • I wear dentures , tops and bottoms. Hate them. Uncomfortable. The reason I had to get them is my first seizure medicines rotted my teeth from the inside out.. Yea they looked fine if you looked at them but the pain was horrible. They rotted at my nerves inside first
  • I've had many surgeries.. A total of 9 major ones. Can't count the minor ones...
  • I had gastric bypass surgery and I regret it to this day !  Why? Because it almost killed me. Go figure I'm in that percentage of people that shouldn't have it.
My crazy pregnancies (as I put it)
  • My first pregnancy was not bad except when it came down to being induced because I was over a week late and it took 4 days (yes I'm serious four !!!) Till I finally delivered..  I was in labor day and night..  I switched doctors after this. Lol
  • My second pregnancy was complex to say the least, I started by having the worst morning sickness known to woman .. little did I know I would have it for 9 months…  I had gallstones so I basically kept nothing down...
  1. Also my second pregnancy was for identical twins and unfortunately in my 5th month I lost one, I was having a boy and girl, I lost the boy. But being optimistic about it  I could have lost them both... thank you Lord I didn't. 
  2. Labor for her was interesting, I was induced but 2 days went by and nothing. I went home , a week later we tried again and it worked but the nurse checking me said " call the dr. Asap we have a problem"  (of course, it's me, I'm not easy, lol)  Well the nurse said to me, she felt a hand instead of a head.. What !!!  Needless to say this called for a emergency c section and I got rushed down the hall with a nurse holding the baby up in me...  go ahead and laugh, I do now..    this is my Chiari Malformation daughter.
  • Third pregnancy, I had no clue I was pregnant until I was 3 months along... Yep no morning sickness. Yeah !!  Although I was in shock. My grandmother knew before I did and don't ask how but she gets these "feelings" and 99% of the time she's right..  this is my boy (only boy in the whole bunch of kids 7 total )  he didn't want to make labor easy easy for me either. He was a planned c section but decided he wanted to come a month early. So yep another emergency c section. I had my tubes tied, burned and cut.. I was done.  I waited to see him all night. No or would bring him to me , he stopped breathing, they had to do CPR on him, I was a mess..  3 weeks later he came home and was doing well but was on a apnea monitor in case he stopped breathing again.  These machines go off all the time , 'll it really takes is the baby to shift and it misses one beat and it's scratching loud!!  So 2weeks after we're home it went off at 6am. I jumped like always and this time he was grayish blue. I was taught CPR and I did it and he came around , to this day I don't remember doing it (the nurses said I wouldn't)  he ended up having acid reflux and was choking on his formula .
With all this said, I love life !!   I just got married September 28th 2014 to my best friend, love of my life, and father of my children. My husband and I both agree we couldn't have had a better wedding and wouldn't have changed a thing.  We had our problems in the past but got through them, and 20 yrs later I did finally marry my best friend !  
Nobody in this world can say they are perfect, if they do then their kidding themselves. I know my family isn't and I'm happy that were not. Our kids have medical issues, our middle child has had 4 brain surgeries but we're still going strong. Never let something or someone hold you back or put you down. I used to when I was younger but my disabilities have shown me I'm stronger than many people think I am. So are all of you.. I'm a person just like the anyone else on the street. We're all made the same. 
I tell my kids all the time , you are just as good as anyone else so don't think your not. Live life to the fullest and get everything you can out of it. The world really is your oyster, you just need to open it up and find the pearl. 

Love Deb

Monday, June 15, 2015

FRIENDS ?? Do we really have them ?

Well my friends... did the title make you curious ?  If it did Awesome because I wanted it to, why do I say this ?  Think about these things...

  •  Have you recently looked through your friends list on Facebook ? I just did...
    1.  How many people do you talk to even once a week ? Once a month ?
    2. Are these friends dealing with something, life is hard. 
  • Who starts the conversation ? You , them, both of you?
How do you actually define friendship ?  Everyone's definition is totally different.  I believe that a friend is someone that checks to see how you are from time to time, listens when you have a problem, will take time out of their crazy busy schedules for you if need them. They love you , it's simple as that !!
I'm not saying if a friend calls you and says "my hair dresser cut my hair a inch too short I don't know what to do?" (Yes I've gotten these calls) , You drop everything , run to their side, take them to dinner, etc... (you get the point..)   Here is a situation though, if a friend calls you saying they are ill or need surgery and they are scared about something important  ... Then you take time for them. That's what friends do.

I have real and fake friends on Facebook and people I see from time to time. I know the ones I can count on , if I ask just for a prayer, to ask them to listen, for advice..  Then I have the ones that no matter how much I try to contact them , I don't get a response from , they are most likely just on my friend's list to get information for other people (oh well I'm a open book normally)

I have deleted a few because it's not worth my time to deal with the childish behavior.  So here is what I want to say. If I have people that are negative Influences in my life, or want to question what I do all the time. There not my real friend's..  
I'm a protective person and when someone asked me the other day " Who is your best friend?"  I answered it in a second.. My Husband.. No doubt

If I had to count how many friends I actually have it would be a small number.  10 of you are close friend's that I met here on Facebook in groups and we talk daily. You accept me and you know who you are..
So here is what I want you all to know..

  • I love my friends and will always do what ever possible to help you.
  • These are my feelings not yours, so don't go erasing a lot of people from your friends list
  • I'm always here, it may take me a bit to get back to you but I will.. promise !!
  • Never let anyone put you down, your awesome !
  • Love yourself because you really are your own best friend no matter what !!
I hope you all have a blessed day
Love Debbie

"I would rather have an enemy that admits they hate me, then have a friend that secretly puts me down"  -Unknown

Saturday, June 13, 2015

You never know what life is going to throw you..

Through the last 3 - 4  years I almost felt like my family was living in a soap opera except we didn't get the perks.. No pay, No fame, No FUN !!  It started when April our now 14 year old was always in pain and had very severe headaches. We started doing what I called Dr. Hopping because no matter how many specialists we went to they all kept saying one of the following...
  • She's fine
  • We will worry about this later
  • There's nothing wrong with your daughter
She wasn't fine though, one day at a family party her legs gave way and she couldn't take more than 3-4 steps without her legs giving out and falling. That day started our journey, one I never expected but we're still here and going strong , thanking God daily for everything he has gotten us through. To this day April has had 4 brain surgeries, 2 Lumbar punctures.  After her first surgery in 2013 April became a make a wish child, her 1 wish was to go to Disneyland with her family, we were a month away from going and April got rushed into surgery again... Trip canceled !

Yesterday she has an appointment with her neurosurgeon and it was to determine when she would need to have fusion, I was scared because I know what this surgery entails and I hate to see her go through any more but it's a better option than paralysis.   We figured that she would need fusion either in 1 month or 3 months because of what the last MRI scans showed.  Before I left the house I did a few things. Prayed Hard, Sent a PM to someone special to ask them to say a prayer, and I belong to a awesome prayer chain group and they all chimed in !!

When I say you never know what life is going to throw you.. this is why...
April has gotten physically stronger on the outside and he was happy with how she's doing currently. He wants to repeat her MRI scans at the end of August and see what they show and see if there about the same or worse then make a decision. I asked him about the Make A Wish Trip and he said "Go have the time of your lives, you deserve it"  So....
We're going over summer vacation , I spoke with them already and I will vet a call on Monday to get this going !!

If I can say any words of wisdom right now they would be..

  • Never give up ! 
  • Pray, God hears you and loves you.
  • Life has its ups and downs, but it will turn around if you let it
  • Seize the day.. We don't ever know what will happen tomorrow
  • Smile , and be happy !!
I wanted to share this in a blog , this is my first one so hopefully I did it correctly.  
If you would like to read about the majority of April's journey I have a page on Facebook it called April's Chiari Battle this is the link..