Saturday, June 13, 2015

You never know what life is going to throw you..

Through the last 3 - 4  years I almost felt like my family was living in a soap opera except we didn't get the perks.. No pay, No fame, No FUN !!  It started when April our now 14 year old was always in pain and had very severe headaches. We started doing what I called Dr. Hopping because no matter how many specialists we went to they all kept saying one of the following...
  • She's fine
  • We will worry about this later
  • There's nothing wrong with your daughter
She wasn't fine though, one day at a family party her legs gave way and she couldn't take more than 3-4 steps without her legs giving out and falling. That day started our journey, one I never expected but we're still here and going strong , thanking God daily for everything he has gotten us through. To this day April has had 4 brain surgeries, 2 Lumbar punctures.  After her first surgery in 2013 April became a make a wish child, her 1 wish was to go to Disneyland with her family, we were a month away from going and April got rushed into surgery again... Trip canceled !

Yesterday she has an appointment with her neurosurgeon and it was to determine when she would need to have fusion, I was scared because I know what this surgery entails and I hate to see her go through any more but it's a better option than paralysis.   We figured that she would need fusion either in 1 month or 3 months because of what the last MRI scans showed.  Before I left the house I did a few things. Prayed Hard, Sent a PM to someone special to ask them to say a prayer, and I belong to a awesome prayer chain group and they all chimed in !!

When I say you never know what life is going to throw you.. this is why...
April has gotten physically stronger on the outside and he was happy with how she's doing currently. He wants to repeat her MRI scans at the end of August and see what they show and see if there about the same or worse then make a decision. I asked him about the Make A Wish Trip and he said "Go have the time of your lives, you deserve it"  So....
We're going over summer vacation , I spoke with them already and I will vet a call on Monday to get this going !!

If I can say any words of wisdom right now they would be..

  • Never give up ! 
  • Pray, God hears you and loves you.
  • Life has its ups and downs, but it will turn around if you let it
  • Seize the day.. We don't ever know what will happen tomorrow
  • Smile , and be happy !!
I wanted to share this in a blog , this is my first one so hopefully I did it correctly.  
If you would like to read about the majority of April's journey I have a page on Facebook it called April's Chiari Battle this is the link..

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